Exhaustion, fatigue or tiredness – you can call it anything. Here, we are going to share the reasons about what causes fatigue during pregnancy and also what you can do about it. Nothing will sound more appealing or necessary every time than a plunge into your pillows.
Suppose it does, then you are in good company. It is good to feel tired when you are pregnant, and extreme fatigue during pregnancy mainly takes place early in the first trimester and later in the third trimester as well. Here, we are sharing the details about what to do about it and also when it might signal something more serious.
Is Extreme Fatigue Normal in Early Pregnancy?
It is expected to feel tired during the first month of the pregnancy. Fatigue during early pregnancy is the early sign of pregnancy, which is experienced by every woman in the first trimester, and it is expected in the third trimester as well and affects approximately—sixty per cent of all pregnant women.
What Does Pregnancy Fatigue Feel Like?
Fatigue in late pregnancy is mainly considered to be the lack of energy in a continuous manner. During pregnancy, you may feel like you can’t be able to get up in the morning or can’t wait to hit the sack as you get home in the evening. You may also feel like you are dragging and sluggish from the moment you get up to the time when you go to sleep.

How Early Does Pregnancy Fatigue Start?
Fatigue mainly starts in the first week of pregnancy, and some women notice pregnancy fatigue as early as one week after conception. Fatigue especially gets better around the start of the second trimester, and it returns in the third trimester as well.
What Causes Pregnancy Fatigue?
Pregnancy is like running a marathon along with a backpack that weighs a little more every day. In simple words, it is really tough. You need to be made aware of what your body is up to, and it is working harder even when you are taking rest.
Causes of Fatigue During Early Pregnancy
In the first trimester of pregnancy, there are lots of factors that may cause pregnancy fatigue:
- Building the Placenta: During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body is mainly creating the placenta or organs, which are primarily manufactured for pregnancy and supply the nutrients and oxygen to your baby to grow and thrive.
- Your hormones: Pregnancy fatigue mainly takes place due to the ramped-up production of the hormone progesterone, which will support the pregnancy and also increase the production of milk glands, which is required for breastfeeding. Changes in hormones also cause upheaval and riding the emotional roller coaster.
- Increased Blood Supply: The demands of creating and pumping the extra blood to supply your baby with nutrients and oxygen will also make you feel tired.
- Other Physical Changes: Your metabolism is also running high, and your heart rate is also high, but your blood sugar and blood pressure are low, and you are taking more water and nutrients, which will wear you out.
At the end of your first trimester, your body will completed the arduous task of the placenta manufacturing and also grow up a bit more used to the hormonal and emotional changes which take place. It means that the second trimmer is generally a time of renewed energy level.
Caused of Fatigue in the Third Trimester
Tiredness from the early pregnancy may get back with a vengeance later on in the pregnancy. The third-trimester fatigue happens because of:
- Your growing baby bump: Your baby is increasing, and you are mainly carrying more weight than earlier during pregnancy. Having all those more pounds may be exhausting for you.
- Pregnancy Insomnia and Other Symptoms: Your burgeoning bump with pregnancy symptoms like heartburn, backache and restless leg syndrome may also make sleep more elusive than ever.
- The stress of having a baby: Your baby is an overloaded life, which may be jam-packed along with the shopping list, to-do lists, baby names list, and also some other significant decisions that need to be made and also cost you sleep and energy.
- Multi-Tasking: Adding up the responsibilities like a job and some other type of mix and the fatigue factors get multiplied.
Final Verdict
These are all pregnancy conditions which are manageable and treatable, but you are required to keep the communication lines open with your doctor. You can check out these details about fatigue during pregnancy and take care of your pregnancy. If you have any questions or queries, you can connect with us by using the comment section below.
When Does Pregnancy Fatigue Typically Occur?
Pregnancy fatigue may strike even before your missed period and make it one of the first signs of pregnancy. Fatigue may get easy during the second trimester and also return in the third trimester. It is usual for the fatigue to take place at any point during the pregnancy.
When Can I Expect Pregnancy Fatigue to Improve?
Pregnancy fatigue may improve during the second trimester, which begins in the 14th week of pregnancy.
What Are Some Warning Signs That My Fatigue May Be Serious?
If you are having severe fatigue, then you have to contact your doctor. Most pregnancy fatigue is normal, but in some cases, it is a sign of anaemia, gestational diabetes, prenatal depression or thyroid hormone imbalance as well.
What Does Pregnancy Fatigue Feel Like?
Feeling so tired doesn’t mean the energy to do much of anything and craving your bed. For lots of women, the extreme tiredness of the first trimester is quite common and surprising. It is mainly a tough transition for those who are go-getters, generally with lots of energy.
How Can I Stop Pregnancy Fatigue?
You have to drink lots of fluids during the whole day. Dehydration will sap your energy, and you have to eat regular meals and snacks to keep your blood sugar stable simply. You also need to avoid food or drinks which are so high in sugar.
How to Fight Fatigue During Pregnancy?
You have to take naps during the day as well. It would help if you also tried to go to bed early and drink enough liquid during the day and several hours before bedtime. It allows you to avoid having to get up to urinate during the night.
What Helps With Fatigue During Pregnancy?
In terms to get rid from the fatigue during pregnancy, you have to take good nutrition and eating small, frequent and heatly meals which will simply keep you going and also helps you with nausea.