The first response pregnancy test or an early detection are critical to fetal development, so early prenatal care is essential for a healthy birth weight and the baby’s survival. Early pregnancy detection helps to make decisions for both the baby and the mother that include a diet that includes pregnancy nutrition, understanding pregnancy nausea and limiting exposure to toxic substances.
It measures the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is produced when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. It is widely used for early testing because of its high sensitivity, which enables it to identify pregnancy up to six days before a missed period.
During the first eight to ten weeks of pregnancy, HCG levels rapidly rise (nearly doubling every three days), and it is checked by the doctors or health care providers to understand the development in the pregnancy and fetus.
Working of Pregnancy Test
The developing placenta releases and produces the HCG hormone after the conception that is entered in the bloodstream and excreted with the urine.
Detection of HCG
The test detects even small amounts of HCG, making it more sensitive than standard tests.
During the first 48 to 72 hours of pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels double, making early detection possible.
Testing Method
First Response tests stick to monoclonal antibodies that react to HCG molecules, which causes a chemical reaction that results in visible colored lines, symbols or digital words such as “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” or “Yes” or “NO.”
Types of First Response Pregnancy Tests
The first response pregnancy test is classified into three categories depending on the level of its working. Check the bifurcation of the tests below in detail.

First Response Early Result (FRER)
This is the most common and popular home pregnancy test. It is considered suitable due to its high sensitivity and early detection capabilities. The first response early result detects pregnancy six days before the missed period and is known for its accuracy, fast response, ease of use and the most trusted way to check the pregnancy.
It is suggested to use the first urine of the morning because it will contain a high level of HCG to detect the accuracy.
First Response Digital Pregnancy Test
The digital first response pregnancy test clearly displays the result in words; for example, “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” or “Yes” or “NO.” it resolves the confusion or misunderstanding issue with the line-based tests
First Response Rapid Result
The First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test is designed for fast and accurate results, providing pregnancy detection in just 1 minute (60 seconds). This test is helpful while confirming the pregnancy after a missed period for the more exact result.
How to Use the Test
- Before using the first response pregnancy test, check for the expiration test to make sure the test is still valid.
- Limit the fluid intake before the test to avoid the dilution in the urine as it will reduce the concentration of the HCG.
- Collect the urine by using the midstream method or in a clean cup for the test procedure.
Test Positioning
Remove the cap and expose the absorbent tip. Then, hold the test stick in the urine stream for 5-10 seconds, dip the absorbent tip in a urine sample for the same amount of time, or use the given dropper to put the instructed amount of the urine drop in the measurement stick.
Keep the test on the flat surface
First response pregnancy test time
The time frame for the first response pregnancy testas per the standard tests is three minutes to five minutes.
Although the rapid tests show results within 1 minute or 60 seconds.
Read the test within the recommended time frame because waiting for too long can result in faded or evaporated lines that will result in a misunderstanding of the result.
The digital test response may take up to 3 minutes.
First Response Pregnancy Test Result
- Positive (+): Two pink lines, a “YES+,” or a “Pregnant,” confirm the pregnancy even if one of the lines is faded or light.
- Negative (-): only one pink line, a “NO-,” or a “Not Pregnant” in the test window is resulted as a negative, which means you are not pregnant.
- Invalid: if the test shows no line, only one fade line, or no symbols are generally understood as the invalid test result.
Can I trust a faint line as a positive result?
Yes. Early pregnancy is indicated by a faint line because a positive result is produced even at low HCG levels. If you see a faint line, it is suggested to retest after 48 hours to check for a stronger or more accurate result.
- The accuracy of the first response pregnancy testis claimed as 99%, or the most accurate, but it can vary or have a different or invalid response if not checked perfectly or due to the malfunctioning or expiring of the test kit.
- The first response pregnancy test shows the most accurate result if tested in the morning first urine, as the HCG concentration is highest in the morning urine. Avoid extra water or liquid intake; it will not give the exact result.
- First Response pregnancy tests can detect HCG levels as low as 6.3 mIU/mL, while the standard tests require at least 25 mIU/mL.
- If testing before your missed period, the result will be less accurate. Therefore, it is recommended to retest after a few days for confirmation or as per the suggested time frame.
- Following the instructions on the first response pregnancy test kits will help to manage the incorrect responses.
- Some environmental factors, including temperature and humidity, can cause chemical reactions that can fade the result or show an incorrect response if the test is left out too long.
Is it possible for drugs to affect the test?
A false positive can only be produced by drugs that contain HCG, such as fertility treatments. However, birth control and antibiotics do not affect results
Reasons of False Positive & Negative
There are certain factors that cause the false positive or negative response. Here are the following reasons for such incorrect responses:
False Positives
- If tested too early, the HCG level might still be low, causing a false negative.
- However, certain medications & health conditions, such as fertility drugs containing HCG, can cause a false positive.
- Conditions such as ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy or early miscarriage may also affect results.
False Negatives
- The early test for the first response pregnancy test may result in a false negative because the HCG level is not detectable.
- Drinking excessive water or intake of more liquid resulted in diluted urine, which reduces hormone concentration.
- The incorrect way or the procedure of detecting the pregnancy can give an incorrect reading.
Is it possible to reuse a pregnancy test?
No. Pregnancy tests are single-use only. Reusing a test leads to inaccurate results or no result.
Can drinking too much water affect results?
Yes, drinking more liquid can result in diluted urine, which can result in false negatives by lowering the concentration of HCG.
Advantages and Disadvantages of first response pregnancy test
The first response pregnancy test has many advantages, such as accuracy, fast response and more, but has many disadvantages too. To find out the issues and benefits of the first response pregnancy test, check the below details.
- The first response pregnancy test is one of the earliest testing options; it can identify pregnancy 6 days before a missed period.
- With a high sensitivity level of 6.3 mIU/mL, it can detect even low levels of HCG.
- 99% accuracy on the day of a missed period and high accuracy even when testing early.
- Easy to interpret. Additionally, many digital pregnancy tests are available that will provide text readings.
- Less wait time for the result; results appear within 3 minutes.
- The first response pregnancy test is easily available and can be purchased in most pharmacies, over-the counter and online.
- Expensive compared to standard home pregnancy tests.
- Can give false negative or positive result, which leads to the misunderstanding.
- If waited for too long to check the result, the evaporation of lines can happen in the line-based tests.
- It results in single-use plastic that will increase the environmental waste.
- Because of the unpredictable or fluctuating results, early testing can be emotionally stressful if HCG levels are still increasing.
How should I dispose of a used test?
Dispose of it in the regular trash, following your local disposal instructions.
When to See a Doctor
Understand when it is necessary to take an appointment with the healthcare adviser or the doctor.
- If the first response pregnancy test result turns out to be positive, then schedule a prenatal appointment to confirm the pregnancy through a blood test or an ultrasound recommended by the healthcare advicer.
- If the result is negative but you missed the periods and the menstruation doesn’t begin within a week, retesting or consulting a healthcare provider is recommended.
- Despite a negative result, if you are still experiencing pregnancy symptoms (fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness), consult a doctor.
What is the earliest a pregnancy test will be positive?
It is possible to detect a missed period up to 6 days in advance, though accuracy improves as the period date approaches.
How quickly does HCG rise?
HCG levels increase quickly during the first 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Can I take a pregnancy test after 5 days?
Some tests are extremely sensitive and can detect pregnancy even before the period is due. However, it is best to wait until the first day of a missed period before taking a pregnancy test. For a more accurate result, take the test a week after the missed period.
How many days after implantation can I test with the first response?
The over-the-counter urine test must be taken after the HCG levels have increased to a detectable level, which should take 6 to 7 days.