Pregnancy Counselors

Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

11 Min Read

Following a miscarriage, the possibility of becoming pregnant does not go away. However, miscarriage is stressful and emotionally challenging, and conceiving after the miscarriage seems challenging because of major emotional reasons. If you have a plan of getting pregnant after miscarriage, here are the major aspects to look at.

Physical Recovery for Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

The body needs to recover completely from the physical strain that is put on the body during the process of miscarriage. The body goes through a lot of hormonal changes during the pregnancy phase. The total recovery takes time depending on the individual; some women can recover within weeks, and for some it takes a couple months or more.

Furthermore, it is often recommended to wait for at least the completion of one menstrual cycle before trying to conceive again to focus on the personal health and recover from the miscarriage symptoms

Hormonal Changes

The hormone levels decrease at a high level that takes time for the body to heal, including human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), progesterone, and estrogen. These hormones are essential during pregnancy, and in order to enable another cycle of conception, their levels of these hormones need to settle to the normal range.

The hormonal changes take weeks to settle and be stable after a miscarriage, and the menstrual cycle returns to the normal range within this time frame. Although in some cases the menstrual cycle takes longer to recover and return to its normal range.


The ovulation after a miscarriage can occur before the first period or the first postmenstrual period begins. It means that getting pregnant after miscarriage even before the menstrual cycle is possible.

Tracking the ovulation using the basal body temperature, cervical mucus, or ovulation predictor kits to understand the time of the fertility.

Uterine Healing

The uterine healing is crucial for getting pregnant after miscarriage because the body goes to strain and the uterus, which may have been slightly stretched or damaged during the miscarriage, will need to return to its pre-pregnancy state.

However, the late miscarriage or the complicated miscarriage that involves the missed miscarriage, D and C procedure, or D and E procedure, then the body requires more time to heal completely and prepare for the new pregnancy.

Uterus Scarring

Fertility may be impacted by the slight chance of uterine scarring following a surgical procedure such as D&C or D&E.

Emotional recovery for getting pregnant after miscarriage

Miscarriage gives a lot of emotional breakdown and puts a lot of mental stress. Conceiving again after a miscarriage or losing the baby is emotionally stressful, and women go through an anxiety phase during the recovery.

However, emotional stress and the fear of never becoming pregnant again cause them to consider having another miscarriage. It’s normal to have mixed feelings and to take each day as it comes.

Anxiety about future pregnancies, grief, sadness, guilt, and anger are just a few of the strong emotions after a miscarriage

Emotional Healing

Moving forward after a huge loss is time-consuming and requires a lot of support. It is suggested to the women who are planning on getting pregnant after miscarriage that they need to be fully stable before taking the decision of conceiving again.

Many women experience loneliness after the miscarriage and receive support from family and friends who understand the genuine loss of their lives and even need therapy to cope with the emotional stress and breakdown.

Fear of Getting Pregnant Again

It is common to experience a fear of loss or another miscarriage after experiencing it. This fear leads to the pregnancy anxiety, and the woman starts feeling conscious even when she faces a small symptom or changes in the body during the next pregnancy.

With the help of counseling sessions from the healthcare provider, relaxing techniques, including yoga and stress management programs, can easily reduce the anxiety during this process.

Impact on Relationships

Miscarries generally affect the relationship with the family and the friends, and especially with the partner, if the woman feels that they are not understanding the loss and problems she is going through after the miscarriage. To manage the relationship and emotional effect, it is suggested to have an open conversation about the feeling, redness and the future expectations to manage the healing phase.

Time for getting Pregnant after Miscarriage

There is no specific time for getting pregnant after marriage; however, it is perfect to conceive if the body is completely full and you and your partner are emotionally ready for the pregnancy. Wait for the body to recover completely from the stress and physical pressure to reduce the risk of another loss or miscarriage. Consult the healthcare provider or the doctor and, if necessary, undergo the necessary tests to determine whether your body is prepared to conceive another child.

Aside from physical readiness, emotional healing is critical for the person’s well-being, and it is natural to experience a range of emotions following a significant loss, such as grief, sadness, or anxiety about trying again to get pregnant after miscarriage.

Increased Fertility after Miscarriage

According to the research, during the first few months after, they have a higher fertility rate, and the chances of getting pregnant are higher than usual for most women, especially if the miscarriage occurs early.

Staying Healthy

To increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy and a good fertility range, it is necessary to stay healthy and have a pregnancy nutrition diet and prenatal care.

A well-balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and the use of folic acid-containing prenatal vitamins can all contribute to a healthy pregnancy. Eating a nutrient-rich diet that is essential for the pregnancy and helps improve overall health and fertility. Make sure to consume a lot of whole grains, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and excess sugar.

Avoid consuming or exposing to toxic substances such as smoking, excessive alcohol, and recreational drugs, as these can affect fertility and the pregnancy phase.

Coping with chronic conditions and the issues that can be responsible for the miscarriage, such as diabetes or thyroid issues, to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Taking the prenatal vitamins and nutrition, including the folic acid, before planning to conceive again and to prevent the neural tube defects and supporting a healthy pregnancy.

Stress-relieving practices like yoga, meditation, or mindfulness can support your journey because high levels of stress can affect hormonal balance and fertility.

Causes of Miscarriage

Understanding and exploring the major causes of the miscarriage will help to make the future pregnancy easy and successful. Investigate the reasons such as hormonal imbalance, genetic factors, abnormalities, chronic causes, issues with the immune system, and more.

Other factors include hormonal imbalances, uterine abnormalities (like fibroids or polyps), immune system disorders, infection, or chronic conditions (such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or clotting disorders).

Go for a medical test to know the exact issue with the pregnancy and manage that with the help of prescribed medication and assistance.

When to Seek Doctor

It is suggested to have a proper consultation with the healthcare provider if you experience miscarriage. Although if there are multiple miscarriages recorded, it is a must to have a medical assistance and require proper doctor’s recommended testing, including the ultrasound, genetic test, blood test and more, to understand the issue because of which the miscarriages happen.

  • Obtain a blood test for hormonal levels, thyroid function, and autoimmune disorders. Also, consider genetic testing to detect chromosomal abnormalities in either you or your partner.
  • Ultrasounds to detect anatomical issues such as uterine fibroids or polyps.
  • Blood clotting tests are used to diagnose conditions such as antiphospholipid syndrome and other clotting disorders.

Trying to conceive again after a miscarriage can be difficult and emotionally draining, but it is important to remember that many people go on to have healthy pregnancies. Take care of yourself during this time, pay attention to your physical and mental health, and get medical help when necessary.


Why is it so hard to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Both the uterus’s healing and the endometrial lining’s restoration to strength and health take time. Also, the hormone changes in the body settle slowly to their normal range.

Is there any problem in pregnancy after a miscarriage?

After the miscarriage, the chances of another miscarriage increase by 20% and with a second miscarriage or further miscarriage, the chances generally increase. However, if you have experience the miscarriage, you can conceive healthy again with the help of proper medication, consultation, medical assistance and a healthy diet.

How to increase pregnancy after miscarriage?

To increase the chance of getting pregnant after the miscarriage, try to manage the emotional stress along with physical stability and give time to the body to manage the hormonal imbalance with the help of proper consultation and medication to recover quickly and more efficiently.

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