Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy

Christopher Davis
9 Min Read

Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy: As you may know, your body will go through lots of physical and hormonal changes during Pregnancy. In terms of fueling yourself and growing your baby, you are required to take proper nutrition and also need to make the best food choices from several sources. Eating a healthy, balanced diet simply helps you to feel good and also provides everything to your body and your baby as well.

Importance of Maternal Nutrition During Pregnancy

If we talk about the importance of maternal nutrition during pregnancy then you need to know that the food that you eat becomes the primary source of nourishment for your baby, and it is pretty critical to get all the nutrition. The best part is that all these maternal nutrition for pregnant women guidelines are not strict to follow and help you to get some delicious options as well.

Increased Nutrients

Your body needs increased maternal nutrition in Pregnancy as you are feeding a new person. Also, the adage of eating for two is not entirely correct, and you need more micronutrients and macronutrients to support you and your baby as well. Micronutrients are dietary components like vitamins and minerals, which are required in small amounts. The macronutrients are the nutrients that offer the calories or energy. We are talking about carbs, proteins, and fats. You are required to eat more of each type of nutrient while you are pregnant.

maternal nutrition during Pregnancy

What and How Much to Eat?

You have to eat a variety of foods to provide everything to you and your baby simply. It is not different from the regular healthy eating plan. We advise you to eat as you usually do in your first semester, then increase 350 calories regularly in your second trimester, and then you have to increase 450 calories in your third trimester as your baby grows during this time.

Also, you need to avoid overly processed junk foods. Chips and soda don’t have any nutritional value. You and your baby will benefit from fresh fruits, vegetables, and also lean proteins like chicken, beans, lentils, and fish. It doesn’t mean that you have to avoid all your favorite foods during your Pregnancy. You only have to balance them with nutritious foods so that you will not miss any of the essential vitamins or minerals.


Proteon is quite crucial to ensure the power growth of the tissues and organs of a baby-like brain.It supports the growth of uterine and breast tissue during pregnancy. It also plays a role in your increasing blood supply and allows more blood to get sent to your baby. Your protein needs to be increased during every trimester of Pregnancy. As per the research, the protein intake during Pregnancy needs to be higher than some present recommendations. It is the time to ramp up those shrimp fajitas, pork curries, jerk chicken, and also the salmon teriyaki.

You also need to eat approximately 70 to 100g of protein daily, depending on your weight and trimesters. Also, consult with your doctor to see how much you need. Some of the best protein sources are:

  • Lean beef and pork
  • Chicken
  • Salmon
  • Nuts
  • Peanut Butter
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Beans


Calcium mainly helps you build bones and regulates your body’s use of fluids. It will make your body good. Pregnant women require 1,000 mg of calcium, generally in two doses of 500 mg per day. You are required to have extra calcium to supplement the regular prenatal vitamins. Some of the best calcium sources are:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Low-mercury fish and seafood like salmon, shrimp, catfish and canned light tuna
  • Calcium like tofu
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables


The folate, which is also known as folic acid, will play a significant role in terms of reducing neural tube defects. Also, these significant congenital disabilities will affect the brain and spinal cord, like spina Bifida and anencephaly. When you are pregnant then, experts recommend 600 to 800 mcg of folate, and you can get the folate from these foods:

  • Liver
  • Nuts
  • Dried beans and lentils
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and peanut butter
  • Dark green vegetables


Iron mainly works with sodium, potassium and water to simply increase the blood flow. It also helps to ensure that enough oxygen is supplied to you and also to your baby. You have to get 27 mg of iron daily with some vitamin C to increase the absorption. Some of the excellent nutrient sources include:

  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Enriched breads or cereals
  • Leaf beef and poultry
  • Eggs

Other Considerations

The other nutrients are required to keep you thriving during Pregnancy, like choline, salt and vitamin B. Aside from eating correctly, you need to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water daily and take the prenatal vitamins. It is tough to get enough nutrients like folate, iron, and choline from food.

Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

If you are concerned about weight gain, then don’t take stress. Some of the weight gain is normal during Pregnancy. The extra weight provides nourishment to the baby, and some of it gets stored for breastfeeding when the baby is born.

Generally, women gain 25 to 35 pounds during Pregnancy. It is expected to gain less weight if you begin with more weight or gain more weight. You can also speak with your doctor towards the appropriate amount of weight for you to gain while you are pregnant.

Also Read More Blog : Meal Planning During Pregnancy week by week


What are the Factors Affecting Nutritional Status?

Lots of factors will affect your dietary needs, like allergies, intolerances, lifestyle needs, and genetic makeup. Generally, a vegan diet will lack critical nutrients like B12 and iron and also the other necessary supplements.

What are the Nutritional risk factors During Pregnancy?

During Pregnancy, lacking a proper diet like iodine, iron, folate, calcium, and zinc may cause anaemia, pre-eclampsia, bleeding and death.

How Does Pregnancy Affect Nutrition?

Pregnant women are required to add food from all the food categories like calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, iron, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids as well.

What to Drink When Pregnant?

It would help if you aimed to have a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses of water or other liquids daily. Also, try the different types of drinks like sugar-free squash, decaf tea and coffee, fizzy water, fruit juice and smoothies as well.

Is Pomegranate good for Pregnancy?

Folate is mainly famous for reducing the risk of neural tube defects in babies, and vitamin C helps to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.

Is Coconut Water Good for Pregnancy?

Coconut water is rich in vitamins and minerals and has the required antioxidants, which help to strengthen the immune system as well.

Final Verdict

So, this is all the information related to maternal nutrition during Pregnancy. This guide assists you with all the nutrition that is required during Pregnancy. You can simply follow this guide to have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

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Christopher Davis, is a nutritionist and dietician. He guides people to eat healthier to feel better. With lots of experience, he knows how to create personalized diet plans to fit each person's needs and goals. He is especially good at advising pregnant women to eat right during pregnancy. He knows exactly what foods are best for both mom and baby, making sure they both stay healthy and happy. He writes easy-to-understand blogs for, all about eating well during pregnancy. To give moms the info they need to make smart food choices for themselves and their little ones. Mr. Davis loves teaching people about nutrition.
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